Wild Sovereignty
Exploring Obedience, Creative Transgression, and Sovereignty
There are moments that arrive ~ sometimes quietly and sometimes like a claps of thunder ~ and mark a point in our lives when we know something has to change.
They are the moments when we know that although our lives may be "good enough," they no longer satisfy. The moments when we see that we have done all the things we were supposed to do and been all the things we were supposed to be and now we are still hungry for our own lives and we still thirst for more—even if we can’t quite name what that is yet.
They are the moments when all the “shoulds” we have been handed from the moment we arrived here, ripen into a life that doesn’t quite fit anymore, and maybe never did.
They could show up when the religion we have found meaning and belonging in now feels empty.
They could show up when the job that we worked so hard for now feels intolerable.
They could show up when a relationship that has been important no longer feels true enough.
There are so many places where these moments show up and disrupt the status quo of our lives.
When this happens, you may experience many things: fear, denial, confusion, doubt. But eventually one thing becomes louder than all the others: longing.
Longing for a life that is not shaped by the “shoulds” and by external prescription, but by the knowing welling up from your own imagination, intuition, body, desire, and vision for your life.
You don’t want to be good anymore. You want to be knowing. But … you don’t know how.
The collusion to keep us obedient is old and deep and strong. The messages are pervasive and the punishments have been swift.
But also, somewhere in the relentlessness of your longing and in the force of your desire, you may remember. You remember that there is a more expansive, true, and free life for us on the other side of these questions, on the other side of this discontent, on the other side of this longing.
Something in us believes that there is a life that does not rely on obedience to the “shoulds” for its permission and blessing, a life that is shaped by our own deepest knowing.
This is the life that we are here to cultivate together.
Imagine what it would be like to step away from the "shoulds" into a knowing life...
Imagine what it would be like to learn to trust yourself as the primary authority of your own life, so that you can stop looking to external places for permission and be empowered to make decisions rooted in your own knowing, desires, and vision...
Imagine what it would be like to remember yourself as your own trustworthy source of knowing, so you can find the courage to walk out of what no longer satisfies and to live your life in ways that make sense for you...
This is exactly what this work is about, and if you find yourself at this crossroad, I would love to support you as you walk bravely into your knowing life.

This course is meant to meet you in those moments. It centers around this transition from being good into being knowing and sovereign—in whatever way they are showing up in your life.
Through all of the aspects of this experience, we will remember ourselves as our own deepest and truest sources of permission, blessing, and knowing so that we can step into more expansive, free, and true lives.
The many stories that are meant to keep us small and obedient are powerful and difficult to face alone. When we transgress beyond the bounds of the “shoulds” we are stepping into a much larger story and it is a deep medicine to travel these paths in community.

This course will help you:
recognize and name your experiences of being a “good” so you can recognize those constricted places and break away from the “shoulds” in your life
understand that just because transgression feels uncomfortable or even painful sometimes, does not mean it is a bad/evil thing like the systems that rely on our compliance would have us believe, so you can be empowered to let go of the fear and shame and step into your own truest life
recognize the many ways we have been exiled from our true belonging, so you can remember that you are not alone and find meaningful conversation and community
remember what you are made of and what you belong to, so you can return to your wild and cyclical nature without apology
cultivate the practice of welcoming all parts of your experience, so you can stop judging yourself and live a freer and more expansive life
recognize your largeness and wildness, so you can learn to not abandon any part of yourself and live your life to the fullest
"I'd had many friends participate in Vanya's programs, and when it came time to shape my own degree, I knew I wanted to learn from her. Vanya created a customized course for me that had the academic vigor required for my doctoral program as well as the soul required for deep and meaningful integration. I loved every moment of exploration and conversation with Vanya and I look forward to learning from her again soon!"
Lacy Clark Ellman
This course includes:​
90 minute weekly zoom gatherings
Two 90 minute private sessions with Vanya
Private forum for our small group
Individualized guidance, support, and teaching
Individual and group depth practices
Resource Hub

With This Course You Will Receive:

Weekly Gatherings
These 90 minute weekly live gatherings (virtual) include teaching, discussion, practice, and reflection. They are an opportunity to not only gather around ideas and practices, they are also an opportunity to gather in sacred circle in loving witness of each person's experiences with these ideas, practices and ways of being.

Two Private Sessions
During these private 90 minute sessions we have the opportunity to deepen into the content and engage in the practices we are learning (like dream work, active imagination, and story). They are also an opportunity for you to do your own soul tending as you deepen into the mythic and soul dimensions of your life. For more on soul tending click here.

Customized Teaching & Readings
In addition to the weekly gatherings and private sessions, you will also receive customized teachings and reading resources that follow your own curiosity. These could include more on archetypal theory, ritual, synchronicity, ecopsychology, and much more.

Private Forum
Each cohort has a private online forum so we can stay in touch during the week as we each practice and unpack what we are learning. There is so much beauty and strength in being witnessed and knowing we are not alone.

Resource Hub
You will have access to a Resource Hub with resources to help you deepen into the themes and topics that interest you.
"Vanya has such a gift for cultivating spaces that foster self-reflection, discovery, and transformation in community with other women. I'm so grateful for Vanya's wisdom and the opportunity to learn from her and be witnessed and supported in my own journey from good girl to knowing woman." -Melissa
The Investment
Tuition for this program is $4575
One time Payment of
12 monthly payments of
$375 at time of Registration