Gathering Bones
A 9 month exploration of the realms of the wild and deep soul through myth, ritual, reflection, and community.

“Let us remember ourselves back to the wild soul. Let us sing her flesh back onto our bones. Shed any false coats we have been given. Don the true coat of powerful instinct and knowing. Infiltrate psychic lands that once belonged to us. Unfurl the bandages, ready the medicine. Let us return now, wild women howling, laughing, singing up The One who loves us so.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Are you longing for more wildness?
Are you longing to know what you are made of and to live from
that place without shame?
Are you longing to live a life that makes sense to your own wild nature?
In this 9 month course we gather once a week and dive into the realms of the Wild. Each week we gather around a story that guides us as we learn to re-wild our lives. Within the container of a small circle we witness and encourage each other as we unlearn and shed the ways of being and knowing that have kept us too small, too tame, too obedient.
“Within us is the old one who collects bones. Within us there are the soul-bones of this wild Self. Within us is the potential to be fleshed out again as the creature we once were. Within us are the bones to change ourselves and our world.
Within us is the breath and our truths and our longings – together they are the song, the creation hymn we have been yearning to sing.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Taking up the book Women Who Run With the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes in our hands, we hold it like a lantern as we roam into the wild places.
This course is a ceremony of gathering bones – that is, all the visions we have buried, all the words that have been silenced and petrified like stones in our mouths, all of the wild gestures that have been violently domesticated, all of the parts of us that have been cornered into being good while giving up our knowing and sovereignty.
We gather these bones and we sing to them. We sing with our attention, with our devotion, with our openness to see and to understand. As we sing, the bones are fleshed out – the lost is found, the forgotten is remembered.
“To sing means to use the soul-voice. It means to say on the
breath the truth of one’s power and one’s need, to breathe soul over the thing that is ailing or in need of restoration.
This is done by descending into the deepest mood of great love and feeling, till one’s desire for relationship with the wildish Self overflows, then to speak one’s soul from that frame of mind.
That is singing over the bones.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
I look forward to digging deep, getting muddy, and singing my heart out with you.
If you are interested, send me an inquiry and I will get back to you!
Hallie O.
"To say that my time in Gathering Bones changed me, would be a massive understatement. It shifted my consciousness, expanded my inner knowing, and tuned me into myself in unshakeable ways. I now feel a deeper connection to soul, to my discernment; that place within the deepest corners of me that cannot nor should ever be ignored. The way that Vanya weaves sacred space, leads ritual, and guides this heavy, but imperative work, is truly remarkable. It is emotionally stirring and worth every moment. I am looking forward to running back to this pack of wolves someday for another workshop."
Hallie O.
This course might be for you if:
Are thirsty for more meaning in your life
Desire to slow down and listen deeply to your own life
Want a safe community to explore these realms with
Long for a truer way of being in your life but don’t know how
Want to cultivate self-trust in your own knowing
Are ready to shed the “shoulds” in your life and live into more wildness
Want more myths, stories, symbols, and imagination in your life
Want to learn about dream work
Long for a more creative life
Are ready to step into more of your power and sovereignty

What to expect during our weekly gatherings:
During our weekly gatherings, we explore myths, stories, themes, and images within a kind and loving community.
We also engage in practices that will help us deepen into this work, like writing, ritual, dream work, somatic awareness, and imaginal work (if you don't know what that means, don't worry, we go over all of that together!).
We start each gathering with a grounding meditation, paying attention to our breath and spending a little time arriving and creating space together, and we always end the gatherings with a grounding meditation again.
The gatherings are a mixture of this kind of making container for our work together, storytelling and teaching, open discussion and exploring the themes together, and engaging in some practices that helps us deepen into what is coming up for each of us.

Starts March 27th
Wednesdays, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm (Pacific)
$275 per month
*First payment due at time of registration