Certificate in Depth Practices
A 10 Month Apprenticeship Program
After years of accompanying and teaching from a depth perspective and engaging in depth practices, I have decided to offer an apprenticeship in the depth practices that I use in my work.
This is a certificate program for therapists, healers, artists, coaches, consultants, and anyone who wants to use these practices in their own daily lives and in their work.
Walking in close community in a small cohort, participants will gain both theoretical knowledge and practical experience engaging in depth practices in their own lives, with others they are serving, and in their own creative work.
Participants will receive a certificate in depth practices upon completion of the program.
Schedule a phone call to get started!
In this apprenticeship, we will cover practices like:
Dream Tending
Active Imagination
Somatic Awareness
Deep Soul Listening
The Art of Asking Questions
Working with Myth
Engaging With Mythic Figures
Story Telling
Ritual & Space Making
Working with Archetypal Symbols
Engaging in Practices of Ecopsychology
"I'd had many friends participate in Vanya's programs, and when it came time to shape my own degree, I knew I wanted to learn from her. Vanya created a customized course for me that had the academic vigor required for my doctoral program as well as the soul required for deep and meaningful integration. I loved every moment of exploration and conversation with Vanya and I look forward to learning from her again soon!"
Lacy Clark Ellman
The apprenticeship program includes:
90 minute weekly zoom gatherings
One 60 minute private session per month with Vanya
Private online forum for our small group
Individualized guidance, support, and teaching
Individual and group depth practices
This apprenticeship will empower you to ingrate these practices into your daily life and prepare you to offer these practices to those you serve and engage with them in your creative work.
After this program, you will be empowered and prepared to:
Work with your own and others' dreams
Engage in imaginal ways of knowing
Weave myth and story into your psychological, spiritual, and creative work
Apply an archetypal approach to daily living
Engage in ecopsychological practices in your life and work
Craft rituals for yourself and your clients
Use somatic awareness and movement as a way of knowing
With This Apprenticeship You Will Receive:
Weekly Gatherings
These 90 minute weekly live gatherings (virtual) include teaching, discussion, practice, and reflection. They are an opportunity to not only gather around ideas and practices, they are also an opportunity to gather in sacred circle in loving witness of each person's experiences with these ideas, practices and ways of being.
Monthly Private Sessions
During these private 60 minute monthly sessions we have the opportunity to deepen into the content and engage in the practices we are learning (like dream work, active imagination, and story). They are also an opportunity for you to do your own soul tending as you deepen into the mythic and soul dimensions of your life. For more on soul tending click here.
Customized Teaching & Readings
In addition to the weekly gatherings and private sessions, you will also receive customized teachings and reading resources that follow your own curiosity. These could include more on archetypal theory, ritual, synchronicity, ecopsychology, and much more.
Private Online Forum
Each cohort has a private online forum so we can stay in touch during the week as we each practice and unpack what we are learning. There is so much beauty and strength in being witnessed and knowing we are not alone.
Discounted Extra Private Sessions
You will receive a 10% discounted rate for any extra (optional) private sessions during the 10 month apprenticeship.
10% Discount to All Community Events
While you are in the 10 month apprenticeship, you will receive a 10% discount to any community events during that time. These may include all day workshops and solstice and equinox rituals.
“I can't say enough about the privilege of working with Vanya (it's a privilege, but also feels vital to my existence). Vanya's gift in communication and teaching along with her depth of heart and wisdom has opened up places in my soul that have been dormant for I'm afraid to think of how long. She creates a safe, inviting, thoughtful space that allows me to choose how deep I want to go and how much I want to look at. You can tell she has done her own personal work as well as incredible amounts of study. She is a continual learner and generously offers wisdom from the deep. I can't imagine anyone not being blessed by meeting and working with Vanya!”
~ Hayden
The Investment
The Apprenticeship
Certificate in Depth Practices is $3950
One time Payment of
12 monthly payments of