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Download the free Ebook: 
A Guide for Leaving the Obedient Life

Ways we can work together


With accompaniment, compassion, presence, and guidance, you will have the opportunity to listen deeply to your own life. 


During these sessions, we create space to look at the ways soul is speaking to you through dreams, synchronicities, symptoms, disruptions, stories, images, somatic sensing, desire, and longing.


 In this 12-week course, we gather once a week and dive into the realms of the Wild Woman – a deep soul energy that moves us, lives through us, abides all around us. 


She brings with her the most instinctual, most wild aspects of the  soul that have long been forgotten, lost, and neglected.  


This is a 10 month certificate program for therapists, healers, artists, coaches, consultants, and anyone who wants to use these practices in their own daily lives and in their work.

At the end of this apprenticeship, participants will have theoretical knowledge and practical experience engaging in depth practices in their own lives, with others, and in their creative work. 

Kristen Dilling

"In a time that is so harried with fear and furor, Vanya offers the warmest and most nurturing of spaces. Through story, song, imagination, ritual, intuition and wisdom, Vanya is forever finding a way to invite us all back to ourselves. It is a wordless gift to be in such heart-centric community -- a true haven.  To any one that hungers, wonders or wanders, this is for you." 

Jenny Wade

"Vanya’s teachings have filled up a longing inside of me that I didn’t know I had. Through her courses I’ve learned how to make sense of the subtle realms of archetype, dream, and myth. These ways of knowing are hard to come by in our modern culture, and satiate a deep part of my soul. I feel more whole, now that I’m able to incorporate her teachings into my everyday life and in my work as a counselor." 

Rachel Morrell

“I have been deeply impacted by Vanya’s teaching and guidance in ways that have profoundly changed my life. She has helped give voice to dormant parts of my soul that have been longing to be known by me.  I’ve always felt like I spoke a weird, unknown language that no one else understood, but Vanya came alongside me and said, ‘You are speaking a foreign language, but I speak it too and here’s what I can tell you about it.’ I cannot speak highly enough about what Vanya has to offer this world.”    

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